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ENGL 1212-002: First-Year Writing, The Americas (Watson)

Popular Sources

Popular sources (advice from your professor)

Popular sources can be books and articles written by writers and journalists who are not necessarily academics. These resources are not peer reviewed, and they may not include a bibliography of cited sources. 

Popular sources may contain original research or reporting, or they may simply summarize specialized scholarly research for a general audience. Popular sources can be useful to your research because:

  • They may be more likely to cover a very recent or still-developing event than peer reviewed scholarly research
  • They may be easier to understand than scholar sources
  • They may have a broader audience than scholarly sources, and may therefore help you identify issues in your field in which the general public has a serious interest

You can use them in your paper as a credible and authoritative.

Generally, a popular source is credible if:

  • It is published in a reputable publication
  • It is written by a well respected writer in the field

Generally, a popular source is authoritative if:

  • it is written by a well respected writer
  • It is not out of date

Popular Sources

Online newspapers

Popular Sources

Online magazines

The following resources were recommended by your professor. 

Hard news and opinion

Cultural, political and some science (long form)

Science and technology

Other Resources