As a Barnard student you can sign up for New York Public Library (NYPL) card! They're free!
The NYPL has more than 6 million items circulating, including books, e-books, audiobooks, music, and movies. Thank you to our friends at the George Bruce branch for working with us to make on-campus card signups happen! The NYPL has 92 locations in Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island. The closest branches to Barnard are the Morningside Heights and George Bruce branches.
If you need assistance identifying additional resources, search terms or strategies, you can schedule an appointment at or email me at
[Image] Billy Rose Theatre Division, The New York Public Library. "Philip Bosco [seated] and ensemble in the 1976 Broadway production of The Threepenny Opera" New York Public Library Digital Collections.
Academic databases work most effectively when using AND, OR, and NOT or including "quotation marks" or asterisks * in your searching. The videos below do a wonderful job unpacking how these tools work.
Catalog search tips: