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Pedagogy of Play

Zine librarian Jenna Freedman made this guide to accompany Kameelah Rasheed's Pedagogy of Play class at Barnard College, spring 2024.

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Zine Basics

What is a zine?

Zine definition from Scissors & Chainsaws No. 2 : Diary Comic Zine Made in July 2020 During International Zine Month by Nina Echozina, excerpt shared with permission

Anything anyone wants to add?

Zine Show & Tell

photo of a cream colored cat with orange markings putting its little paw on a zine called "Not Sorry" that's on a table with two other zinesZine Appreciation

Discuss What You Read and Saw

photo of a cat with an open box and a pile of zinesDiscuss: 10 minutes

How do this author's zines make you feel? What styles and elements move you?

Why did the creator(s) make a zine instead of...a book, a poem, street theater, an Instagram post, a meme, a protest, a letter to the editor, etc.?

How to the images complement or complicate the text?

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