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FYSB 1738: Performing Publics and Political Activism

This guide accompanies Shayoni Mitra's class's visit to the Barnard Zine Library, in a session led by Zine Librarian Jenna Freedman

Read and Discuss

photo of a cat gently touching some zines lying on a tableRead

Skim a zine for 2 minutes and repeat four times (sorry, you won't get to finish each zine, but it's okay! You can borrow any of the zines we discuss today!)


  • What is the creator of one of the zines saying consciously (performing) vs. unconsciously?
  • How do the visual elements complement or complicate the text?
  • How do the formats of the zine impact how you read them?
  • What is one page, passage, or graphic that moved you--to laughter, sadness, anger, empathy, etc.?
  • Can you make a guess about the zine creator(s) socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, and other identities based on reading the zine?
  • What do the zines you read add to or remove from the Barnard and Columbia libraries?

Zines Are

A scan of handwritten text that reads, " “What is a zine? ⭐︎ My definition: For me a zine is not just a self-made and self-published booklet but it is also situated within DIY culture. This means it is non-profit, non-commercial, low-budget, and non-competitive. Topics and style can vary but it’s important that zines remain accessible … (everyone can afford them) and to writers (everyone can make them). Zines don’t exist as little paper islands but they are connected and blossom within a mutually supportive zine community.”"

Nijsten, Nina. Scissors & Chainsaws No. 2 : Diary Comic Zine Made in July 2020 During International Zine Month. Gent, Belgium: Nina Nijsten, 2020.

Anything to add? Challenge? Subtract?