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FYSB 1774: Queer Times

This guide, created by zine librarian Jenna Freedman, accompanies Duygu Ula's Barnard College first year seminar, taught in fall 2023.

Read and Discuss (40 minutes)

Read Zines (15 minutes)

You will have a pile of zines from which to choose one or more zines to read for 15 minutes. Please engage with the text and graphics of the zines as deeply as you can. Zines are sometimes about difficult topics. You do not need to read any zine that is not appropriate for you to deal with today.

Discuss in Groups of Two or Three (15 minutes)

  • What appeals to you (or not) about one or more of the zines? What moves you?
  • With regard to the Piepmeier reading, how do the zine graphics complement or complicate the text?
  • How might the zines you read inform persuasive writing, like a policy paper?

Full Group Share (ten minutes)

Zines Are (10 minutes)

Nijsten, Nina. Scissors & Chainsaws No. 2 : Diary Comic Zine Made in July 2020 During International Zine Month. Gent, Belgium: Nina Nijsten, 2020.