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SOCI 3946: Global Health, Politics, and Society

Prof. Amy Zhou, Spring 2024

Zine Elements


color * construction paper * relief print * acetate


staples * sewing * stab * pamphlet * paper types* materials


illustrations * fair use/copyright * photographs * typography/handwriting * backgrounds


Essay * Poem * Review * Drawing * Collage * Personality Quiz * Crossword Puzzle * Playlist * Top Ten List * Likes/Dislikes * How To * Comic * Rant * Blank Space * Art * Handwriting * Typewriting * Design Software * Stick Figures

Metadata: author, title, publication location, publication date, freedoms and restrictions


personal * political * art * literary * split * compilation * minicomics * DIY

Pro Tips

  • Leave a 1/4" margin around your pages
  • Remember your zine will be copied or scanned, so light text and images may not reproduce well
  • You do you

Zine Topics

cat chewing on a box of envelopesA topic related to your coursework, to be shared with a different kind of audience