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Zines and Zine Making for LIA, Summer 2022

This guide accompanies zine librarian Jenna Freedman's zine library section of the Young Women's Leadership Initiative pre-baccalaureate program, coordinated by Lila Livingston for Barnard College's Athena Center, executive directed by Umbreen Bhatti.

Stolen Sharpie Revolution Raffle

photo of Stolen Sharpie Revolution, a little red book held in someone's palm

Read and Discuss

photo of a cat reading a zineWhat Zines Are Like

Discuss the zines you read at the end of class last week.

[Content: curse words, sexuality, nudity, violence, things you may disagree with]

In breakout group discuss for 15 minutes

  • Did one or more of the zines have an impact on you? On the creator?
  • How do the zines demonstrate leadership and/or action?
  • How do the zine images contribute to or contradict its overall message?


Share responses on the Padlet for 10 minutes

QR code

Zines Are

Nijsten, Nina. Scissors & Chainsaws No. 2 : Diary Comic Zine Made in July 2020 During International Zine Month. Gent, Belgium: Nina Nijsten, 2020.