Many of the reference resources include encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, and companion texts. All of these will include bibliographies and other listed resources.
Companion texts are collections of scholarly essays meant to provide an introduction to the scholarship of a subject. Each includes its own bibliography, and each essay in a companion text is by a different scholar in the field. Companion texts will include indexes, as well, and many are available online.
As the world's largest encyclopedia, Wikipedia's coverage is vast. You are more likely to find articles on obscure topics in Wikipedia than you would anywhere else. But is Wikipedia accurate? While Wikipedia can be edited by anyone in the world (including you!), scholarly encyclopedias like Encyclopedia Britannica are written and edited by experts in their fields. However, 2005 study in the journal Nature weighed the accuracy of science articles on Wikipedia against the more scholarly Encyclopedia Britannica, Wikipedia was found to be nearly as accurate in the 42 articles investigated. Encyclopedia Britannica refuted these claims. When using Wikipedia, or any encyclopedia for that matter, it is wise to verify what you find.
Check the citations, recommended resources and external links to guide you to more scholarly work.
Similar to Wikipedia, these resources provide an overview on a given topic, but the authors are experts in the fields they are covering. Below you will find a few general encyclopedia collections with coverage across a wide variety of fields.
[image] Suze Meyers, Feminist Wikipedia, 2016.
Offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on specific topics in a growing range of subject areas. There are at least 50 specific topical bibliographies in each subject area. Each of these features an introduction to the topic. Bibliographies are browseable by subject area and keyword searchable.