CLIO is the online catalog to Columbia University Libraries (including Barnard), but excluding Teacher's College and the Law Library who maintain their own catalogs. CLIO contains over 7 million records for books, online resources, journals & newspapers, conference proceedings, sound recordings & scores, videos, archival collections & oral history transcripts, online databases, maps & images, and more!
CLIO is the library catalog for the Columbia Library System (including Barnard Library, but excluding Teachers College and some information from the Law Library). In CLIO you can find books and media materials, search for different kinds of databases, and find articles within those databases as well.
What is CLIO? from IMATS @ Barnard on Vimeo.
Text or email the call number to yourself.
You'll find ebooks among the results in just about every database you search, whether they are general academic databases or subject area specific ones. If you are interested in searching only for ebooks, you can limit your library catalog search to return only ebooks as your results, and you can do the same in any database. Sometimes you will find that chapters within ebooks turn up in your searches. Make sure to read through your results thoroughly to make sure you're aware of exactly what you're exploring.