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ECON 3063-001: Women in Development Economics

Prof. Anja Tolonen, Fall 2024

Literature reviews

How to engage with other sources in your own voice

These resources from the UNC Writing Center may be of use.

How to cite your sources

Chicago author-date and American Sociological Association styles are commonly used by economists. Be consistent with whatever style you use.

How to cite data

Here is the sample data set citation the ASA provides in American Sociological Review:

Deschenes, Elizabeth Piper, Susan Turner, and Joan Petersilia. Intensive Community Supervision in Minnesota, 1990–1992: A Dual Experiment in Prison Diversion and Enhanced Supervised Release [Computer file]. ICPSR06849-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2000. doi:10.3886/ICPSR06849.

Peer review and academic publishing

This short video from NCSU Libraries explains the peer review process in academic journals.