Wall Street Journal via the newspaper website
Wall Street Journal via Factiva
Wall Street Journal via ProQuest
The Economist via the magazine website
New York Times via the newspaper website
These suggestions are primarily for those using qualitative methods and/or conducting economic history research. Refer to the Data and Statistics page for quantitative sources.
This guide lists digitized, full-text searchable databases for newspapers and magazines, with a focus on databases that have historical (e.g. 20th century and earlier) coverage. In order to search in these databases, you should use terms that would have been in wide use at the time of the writing of the article, even if those terms or words would not be in use currently. Build these lists of keywords from your reference sources, secondary sources and from other primary sources.
We have access to many more newspapers and magazines than are included in the databases listed on this guide. To search for a specific newspaper or magazine, for publications from a certain city, or for a specific article, use CLIO:
Many of the databases noted in the Primary Sources and Articles pages of this guide also contain digitized newspapers and magazines. Those databases are not repeated here--definitely check those lists out if there is a subject area or time period not covered in these databases.