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Dissecting a Zine Corpus

This research guide accompanies Barnard Zine Library curator Jenna Freedman's lightning talk at zines ASSEMBLE 2022

No Respect AND/OR Low Self Esteem

  • photo of a sad faced, lonely bb dog looking out a window in the rain. yoinked from Hills pet food site want faculty to understand zines as research resources, beyond "make-a-zine" exercises/assignments. Zines are a bounteous resource for topics, voices, and points of view you don't typically find in this abundance on academic library shelves.
  • I want powers that be to understand that zines can have a valuable digital component.
  • I want access to engaged faculty at events like the Thinking Digitally Institute.

What do you think is valuable about having digital access to zine text?"tag cloud generated from zine corpus texts with words like \"people\" \"women\" \"make\" \"abortion\" \"black\" \"know\" and \"time\" appearing in large type"