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Zine-troduce Yourself

Participants will create a zine that they can use to introduce themselves, using materials from the Barnard Archives and Special Collections. The workshops will be held in the Barnard Zine Library on the 2nd floor of the Milstein Center and led by librari

Zine Elements

photo of a cat on a table with bookbinding supplies


  • illustrations
  • fair use/copyright
  • photographs
  • typography/handwriting
  • backgrounds


Essay * Poem * Review * Drawing * Collage * Personality Quiz * Crossword Puzzle * Playlist * Top Ten List * Likes/Dislikes * How To * Comic * Rant * Blank Space * Art * Handwriting * Typewriting * Design Software * Stick Figures

Metadata: author, title, publication location, publication date, freedoms and restrictions

Pro Tips

  • Leave a 1/4" margin around your pages
  • Remember your zine will be copied or scanned, so light text and images may not reproduce well
  • You do you