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Zines in Academe: Can We Bring More Joy to the Practice of Research and Scholarship?

With Zines in Academe, zine librarian Jenna Freedman invites participants to explore alternatives or supplements to the research paper. Together we will discuss questions like "Do writing and grading have to be arduous?" "How do non-traditional..."

Thank You

Thanks to everyone who helped organize and support this event!Black kitten biting a box of envelopes

  • Planners, particularly Sarah Christensen
  • Kaneisha Gaston, who inspired me to think about joy in the classroom
  • Producers
  • Web conferencing support
  • Administrators
  • People who took on unrelated work while colleagues spent time on this project
  • Outreach people
  • Facilities staff who set up chairs
  • Housekeeping staff who maintain spaces
  • Everyone's partners, family members, animals, plants, etc. who keep them going
  • You--for your patience. This discussion is in progress!

Introduction to Us - In the Chat



Pronouns (if you wish)

Something joyful

Zines Are