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Intro to Zines for the Young Women's Leadership Institute

Zine workshop led by Zine Librarian Jenna Freedman and Zine Assistant Ren Huang BC '22


front and back of Bystander Intervention & De-escalation zine by Eleanor Whitneycommunication!
use of kind, supportive language

open mind on ideas

no bad ideas

Inviting others to speak

Respect ideas

share the air with people

Open mind, no bias

Respectful when others are speaking

Listening and respecting

Inclusive language

Speak from the I perspective

embracing opinions other than your own

allow others to speak

being supportive

respecting the ideas and opinions of others

Equal division of say

Elaborating on ideas and respecting others’ opinions

listen when others are speaking

listening to understand rather than to respond

support and build off others' ideas!

be aware of your air time

Equal effort on all parts

safe space :)

open mindedness


Listen respectfully :)

value others input and apply them

Don’t generalize/sterotype

Being willing to learn from others

Active listening

creating a safe learning environment

Respect each other and pay attention when other’s were talking


Conscious of others’ perspectives

No judgements

Give constructive criticism

respect and support for/of others!

respecting that everyone is from different backgrounds, have different experiences

Active listening and full dedication

Acknowledging what the person said before you by paraphrasing and integrating into your comment

Active listening

speak from your own perspective

Listen before you speak- dont formulate a response while someone else is speaking

distribute work equally

Admit when youre wrong! It’s okay to be wrong as long as you try to do better!

Read and Discuss

photo of a cat reading a zineWhat Zines Are Like

Skim a zine for two minutes and then switch, for four rounds. You will not be able to read these zines in their entirety.

[Content: curse words, sexuality, nudity, violence]

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

  1. Spring - Femmes Unite #2
  2. Summer - Yell Zine #3
  3. Fall - Asian American Feminist Antibodies
  4. Winter - Dream Passport... to a Future World

Round 4

  1. Spring - Yell Zine #3
  2. Summer - Asian American Feminist Antibodies
  3. Fall - Dream Passport... to a Future World
  4. Winter - Femmes Unite #2

In breakout rooms discuss for 5 minutes:

  • Did one or more of the zines have an impact on you? On the creator?
  • How do the zines lead?
  • How do the zine images go with or contradict the text?

Group share.

Zines Are

results from YWLI class responses to the prompt, "What is a zine?"