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DNCE 3576: Dance Criticism

Zine Librarian Jenna Freedman made this guide to accompany a zine workshop for Siobhan Burke's Dance Criticism class at Barnard College, fall 2022.



Call Number Citation
Zines K26c Asharya, Kat. “Continental Drift.” Continental Drift, early 2000s?
Zines C336r Chan, Kristy. “Riot Grrrl Review.” Riot Grrrl Review, 199AD.
Zines P85o Greenan, Amy. On Art (of Misery). The author, 2004.
Zines K55f Kim, Patricia Young. Fuzzy Heads Are Better. The author, 1994.
Zines L374z 2018 Lasell, Katy. Zine Pedagogy! A “Scruffy Little” Lesson for Prof. Lie’s FYS 4/5/2018. The author, 2018.
Zines L5644f 2018 Lingel, Jessa, editor. Feminist Pedagogy Zine. Jessa Lingel, 2018.
Zines M656s 2022 Molos, Angelic, and Janet R. Jakobsen. Slacking in Sex Ed: Critical Approaches. Angelic Molos, 2022.
Zines M657f no.11 Molter, Theresa E. Freewheeler. No. 11 / Theresa. Polarity. No. 16 / Sarah. Sarah, 1998.
Zines N584p 2013 Nguyen, Mimi Thi. Guillotine Series #4 : Punk. Sarah McCarry, 2013.
Zines N584s ---. Slant. The author, 1997.
Zines P47f Pérez, Celia C. Frida [Heart] Diego: Mail Order.
Zines L489n 2012 Rachel. Not “Queer” as in “Radical” but “Lesbian” as in Fuck You! The atuhor, 2012.
Zines R235 Radical Menstruation. publisher not identified, 2004.
Zines S643s “Shelf Life : Adventures in Used Book Hunting.” Shelf Life : Adventures in Used Book Hunting, 2014.
Zines S658456b Smith, Koyuki. Baby Coffee. the author, 2016.
Zines A557 Stevens, Katy. All Slay. Katy.
Zines x89r Suzy X, 1989-. “Riot Grrrl Problems & Other Feminist Cliches.” Riot Grrrl Problems & Other Feminist Cliches, 2011.
Zines T5667s Thompson, Chloe Eleanor, and Sara Jaffe. Scribble out Loud. The author, 2010.
Zines C67c Tucker, Corin, and Elie Raharolahy. Channel Seven: Heavens to Betsy Lyrics Inside! The author, 1994.
Zines W474j
Weselcouch, Katy. “The Jellybean.” The Jellybean, 1993.
Zines W668c 2016 Wooten, Kelly. Critical / Feminist Pedagogies for Librarians. The author, 2016.
Zines X84p Xyerra, Ciara. “Learning to Leave a Paper Trail Zine Distro Newsletter.” Learning to Leave a Paper Trail Zine Distro Newsletter, 2009.