If you need assistance organizing, analyzing, or visualizing data sets, please visit the Empirical Reasoning Center (ERC). The Empirical Reasoning Center (ERC) helps faculty, students, and alumnae engage critically with data - quantitative, qualitative and spatial.
Their website contains software tutorials and workshop tutorials. You can meet with staff of the ERC virtually by making an appointment or during walk-in hours.
What are open data portals?
Some government entities make their data available to the public using open data portals. These portals may contain geospatial data sets to download.
How to find open data portal
Barriers to open data portals
Open Knowledge International notes three major environmental constraints that cintribute to a lack of openness in government data sharing:
"1. Lack of capacity of government to maintain infrastructure and websites; incomplete and inaccessible published official information.
2. Limited open data knowledge from the respective government officials.
3. Limited capacity and open data knowledge of CSOs to take advantage or to ask for open data."
Some examples of open data portals
Need even more data sources? Check out the Barnard Library Social Science Data & Statistics Sources guide.