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Political Science

This is a general guide to resources for political science research.

U.S. Government Information & Analysis Sources

CQ Electronic Library provides several key resources analyzing American government, current affairs, history, politics, and public policy.

  • Congress Collection has historical data and analysis of members of Congress including their legislative voting behavior, electoral data, and interest group ratings. 
  • CQ Almanac features analysis on the major legislation and actions of congress for each year since 1945. Unique data on the voting patterns of Congress members provide insight into the legislative process and history of the institution. You can follow the history of a policy issue with the Policy Tracker tool which links reports on the same issue for almost 70 years. 
  • Politics in America profiles members of Congress include analysis of personalities, political styles, legislative agendas, political ambitions, and reputations of members at home and on Capitol Hill. Also includes detailed state and district information plus information and data on campaign finance, partisan caucuses, standing committees, and other member facts.
  • Supreme Court Yearbook is a collection of annual reporting on the actions and opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court with clear, in-depth analysis of every decision made by the nation's highest court since the 1989-1990 term and the justices who ruled on them.
  • Voting and Elections Collection is a database of elections data, authoritative analyses, concise explanations, and historical materials to help researchers investigate and understand voting and elections in America from 1789-present.

Case law

Thanks for Prof. Ayten Gundogdu for many of these recommendations!

For more compilations of case law resources, check out these guides.