You can narrow your search in CLIO by format to find DVDs and streaming media in the libraries collections. While films available streaming are sometimes cataloged individually, this is not always the case. It is always best to search individual databases for streaming content. For more streaming media collections please review the streaming media guide here:
For major feature film collection Columbia and Barnard each offer subscriptions to Kanopy and Swank. The titles offered in each are different, so be sure to search both the Columbia and Barnard collections for each database.
Streaming video in a variety of areas from Alexander Street Press. Most have transcripts available.
Searchable database containing streaming video files of dance productions, interviews, coaching sessions, and documentaries by influential performers and companies from around the world. Selections cover ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, experimental, and improvisational dance, as well as forerunners of the forms and the pioneers of modern concert dance. Videos can be browsed by people, role, ensemble, genre, and venue. Material types include documentaries, editorials, instructional, interviews, and performances. Database users may create their own custom playlists and video clips.
Online exhibit of brief video performance excerpts spanning from 1930s dance pioneers to today's most exciting artists recorded at Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival, Massachusetts. Browse videos by artists, genres, or era. This website is a public project of the Virtual Pillow initiative which aims to build audiences and appreciation for dance and Jacob's Pillow.
"Kweli means 'Truth' in Swahili. kweliTV celebrates global Black stories and amplifies Black storytellers from North America, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and Australia. Our mission is to curate and create content that is a true reflection of the global Black experience that’s oftentimes missing in traditional media."
A performing arts video collection with operas, ballets, documentaries, live concerts, and musical tours of historic places. Users may create their own playlists and custom video clips.
Provides access to films of full-length performances by artists working in dance, theater, music and other forms that defy categorization.
Contains interviews with key figures in theatre history and contemporary practice; masterclasses with specialist actor trainers from around the world; unique footage direct from the legendary practitioners themselves; excerpted and full-length contemporary productions; and documentaries previously unavailable to global audiences. The video material spans more than fifty years of documented work direct from practitioners and specialists.
Contains performances of the world's leading plays and film documentaries on the subject of theater in streaming video. Some plays presented in multiple productions exemplifying various interpretations of the text, and technical and cultural differences among the presentations. Stage work of directors and actors are cross-searchable and available for side-by-side comparison. Interviews with directors, designers, writers, and actors, along with excerpts of live performances, provide illustration of the development of texts and the productions.
Important online repository for avant-garde arts, including music, film and video, poetry, writing. It has working relationships with Anthology Archives, WFMU,, and other NYC-area experimental music and art organizations. UbuWeb is a completely independent resource dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and outsider arts.
Streaming video in a variety of areas from Alexander Street Press. Most have transcripts available.
"Kweli means 'Truth' in Swahili. kweliTV celebrates global Black stories and amplifies Black storytellers from North America, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and Australia. Our mission is to curate and create content that is a true reflection of the global Black experience that’s oftentimes missing in traditional media."
"Projectr partners with educational institutions and public libraries throughout North America to present a curated and ever-expanding collection of acclaimed movies, archival restorations, award-winning documentaries and artist-made works from around the world."
Silent Film Online database brings together more than 500 films which together represent the basis of modern cinematic technique and film theory. Carefully curated with ASP's Video Advisory Board, the database covers silent features, serials, and shorts from the 1890s to the 1930s. High quality versions of films have been selected for the collection from leading distributors such as Kino Lorber, Lobster Films, Flicker Alley, and Image Entertainment.
Docuseek2 is the internet site where one can discover, access, license, stream and share over 1500 documentary and social issues films and videos. This database provides educational streaming access to content from Bullfrog Films, Icarus Films (including The Fanlight Collection and dGenerate Films), Kartemquin Films, MediaStorm, the National Film Board of Canada, Scorpion TV, Sincerely Films, Terra Nova Films and Villon Films. Topics covered include business and economics, health care, humanities, performing arts, and social sciences. Docuseek2 supports the ability to create clips, playlists, and save searches of the films and videos available through this website.
Offers access to classic and contemporary ethnographic documentaries in streaming video. The collections contain over 1,300 hours of streaming video, including ethnographic films, documentaries, select feature films, and previously unpublished fieldwork.
Intended to be a visual encyclopedia of human behavior and culture, online in streaming video. Contains classic and contemporary documentaries; previously unpublished footage from working anthropologists and ethnographers in the field; and select feature films. Includes footage from every continent and hundreds of unique cultures. Thematic areas include: language and culture, kinesthetics, body language, food and foraging, cooking, economic systems, social stratification and status, caste systems and slavery, male and female roles, kinship and families, political organization, conflict and conflict resolution, religion and magic, music and the arts, culture and personality, and sex, gender, and family roles.
LGBT Studies in Video is a cinematic survey of the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people as well as the cultural and political evolution of the LGBT community. It features award-winning documentaries, interviews, archival footage, and select feature films exploring LGBT history, gay culture and subcultures, civil rights, marriage equality, LGBT families, AIDS, transgender issues, religious perspectives on homosexuality, global comparative experiences, and other topics. A primary partner for this collection is Frameline, a nonprofit media organization that produces the San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival, the oldest film festival devoted to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender programming currently in existence.
Browse by people, themes, and topics. View videos by filmmaker, country of origin, production date, producer, and other features. Combinable search fields enable cross-search of all video transcripts, liner notes, bibliographic data (including producer, series, title, country of origin, publication date, narrator, production staff, and more), and many other indexed fields, including person discussed, year discussed, and the browse options listed above.
"Projectr partners with educational institutions and public libraries throughout North America to present a curated and ever-expanding collection of acclaimed movies, archival restorations, award-winning documentaries and artist-made works from around the world."
Barnard Library purchases streaming media through a variety of platforms, but primarily through Kanopy and Swank. At this time streaming media purchases can be made for in-class use only. Please use the BLAIS Reserves Department's Film Reserves Request Form for all streaming media requests. For more information on reserves please see the Faculty Guide to Library Materials and Access for Students.
Public Performance Rights (PPR) licenses are required when screening films for the general public. Generally speaking, PPR is required for film screenings outside of a limited access classroom setting. Barnard Library does not purchase PPR licenses for public film screenings.
Once you have secured PPR you will need to make arrangements with the following departments:
For more information on PPR please see Barnard's Film Screening and Copyright FAQ.