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FYWB 1126: Reading the Future (Shelichach)

Citing Sources

Writing and Research


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Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, annotate, and share research. It helps you track all your sources and build bibliographies in minutes! It's also collaborative, so if you're working on a project with multiple people you can all save your sources in one place!

Zotero 7 was just released with a new logo.

  • Step 1: Download Zotero for your IOS, Windows, OR Linux
  • Step 2" Download Zotero Connector for your preferred browser (Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. Safari comes preinstalled)
  • Step 3: Register for Zotero online so you can access your files on your desktop and remotely

Check out Zotero's extensive documentation to see how it works!