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AHIS 3959: Art History Senior Research Seminar

This guide supports the thesis course for art history

Selected Image Databases in Art History

Large repositories of art images

Select museum collections

Digital museum collections are a great place to find high-quality reproductions of works of art, as well as all the information you need to properly caption your images. Below you will find a selection of New York City museums (and a couple of others too), which have strong digital collections online. 

Video at Barnard

Searching for Video in CLIO

You can narrow your search in CLIO by format to find DVDs and streaming media in the libraries collections. While films available streaming are sometimes cataloged individually, this is not always the case. It is always best to search individual databases for streaming content. For more streaming media collections please review the streaming media guide here:

Feature Film Archives

For major feature film collection Columbia and Barnard each offer subscriptions to Kanopy and Swank. The titles offered in each are different, so be sure to search both the Columbia and Barnard collections for each database.

Streaming Media: Performing Arts