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HIST BC2385 Global Environmental History (Fall 2024)

A research guide for Professor Caglioti's Global Environmental History Class (Fall 2024)

About this Guide

Global Environmental History: Themes, Questions, and Narratives from Around the World      

This research guide contains resources to help you get started with your research for this class. 

In this guide you'll find...                        
  • References sources for background information on your topic
  • Databases for locating scholarly and peer reviewed journal articles
  • Databases for locating print and ebooks
  • Tips for using Zotero to keep track of your research


If you need additional assistance at any step of the research process, you can schedule an appointment with me here

Image: NASA images by Reto Stöckli, based on data from NASA and NOAA. Instrument: Terra - MODIS, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons