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HIST BC2385 Global Environmental History (Fall 2024)

A research guide for Professor Caglioti's Global Environmental History Class (Fall 2024)

Writing and Research

About Citing Your Work

When you cite your work, you give credit to the authors and works you may have used to construct and support your own argument. Academic writing requires citation and your discipline determines the citation style you use in your paper. The most commonly used styles at Barnard are APA, MLA, and Chicago and the citation style depends on the discipline. Because Chicago Style is the preferred one for history, you should use that for your writing in your history classes. 

Chicago Style Guide

Chicago Style is the preferred bibliographic style for history. You have full access to the most recent and complete version of the Chicago Manual of Style Online through the library website. You can also use the pdf as a quick reference for in-text citations and reference lists for standard resources such as books and articles.